Saturday, April 27, 2019

Good~Bye Lady DeMers!

Vol. 1  Chap. 478

Good~Bye Lady DeMers
Rescued:        Sept. 27, 2015
Crossed Over: April 11, 2019        

        In Each One of My Fourteen Years,
        Three, Maybe Four Days, All Our Tears
        Flowed Non~Stop and In Unison!
        Our Precious Lady~Love is Gone!

        A Few Years Back, We Rescued Her!
        From That Day Forth She Made It Her
        Mission to Protect All of Us!
        We Gave Her Love!   She Gave Love Plus!

        Search Far and Wide and You Won’t Find
        A Critter With a Sharper Mind!
        It’s Like She Could Anticipate
        Our Moods and What’s More, She Was Great

        At Herding Us Where We Should Be!
        For Mom, Bella and I Know, Me
        We’ll Feel This Loss For Years to Come!
        Our Voices Quake!   Our Hearts are Numb!

        I Don’t Quite Know Why Dogs Must Die!
        Our Hearts Break!   We Can’t Help But Cry!
        This is the Second Dog We’ve Lost!
        Dogs’ Pure Love Comes at a High Cost!

            Good Bye!   We’ll Always Love You, Lady!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, April 20, 2019


Vol. 1  Chap. 477


         Long, Tall, Handsome Zechariah
         Always Has Been an Admirer
         Of That Cute Lass You Know, Well Ahh,
         As Me, His Sweet Cousin, Bella!

         And Zech, He’s Appreciated!
         Even Though He Is Located
         ‘Bout Fifteen Hundred Miles Due East!
         Wish I Saw Zech Weekly, At Least!

         Over the Years There’ve Been Changes!
         A Few of Those Changes Ranges
         From Thicker Shoulders, Thicker Beard,
         To Zech’s Childhood!   It Disappeared!

         Zech Turns Eighteen In Just a Day!
         Zech Turns Eighteen Easter Sunday!
         In New Pictures, I Think It’s Odd,
         How Zech Looks Like the Son of God!

         I’m Not Sayin’ That’s Who He Is!
         But Similarities … Gee Whiz!
         Zech’s Wise and Kind and Always Calm!
         Some Say, Sunday, Zech's Hands Held Palm!

Happy 18th Zechariah!!!   Happy Easter All!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, April 13, 2019

National Siblings Week!

Vol. 1  Chap 476

        National Siblings Week!

            No, She’s Not a Mean Hair Puller!
            Aud’s Makin’ Me Beautifuller!
            She Corals Each Unruly Tress!
            Makes One Chic Hairdo from That Mess!

            This is National Siblings Week!
            Mom Has a Sibling!   Take a Peek!
            It’s the Campbell’s Mom, Aunt Lisa!
            Coast Guard Captain, Hero, Teacha!

            And She’s Produced Some Siblings Too …
            Our Cousins … That’s the Campbell Crew!
            There’s Andy, Big Zech and Sweet Tim!
            They’re My Fave Family Tree Limb!

            I’m Glad That Audrey Was Born First,
            Or My Life Could Have Turned Out Worse!
            She First Instilled My Love of Books!
            Big Sis Certainly Know What Cooks!

           Those of Us Who Are Younger Sibs
           Learned from Their Well~Rehearsed Ad Libs!
           She Rescues Me From Near Trouble!
           My World Never Turns to Rubble!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Mom's Running!

Vol. 1  Chap. 475

                   Mom’s Running!

     You Know How Our Mom Loves to Run?
     These Past Few Months Have Not Been Fun,
     Since She Messed Up Her MCL!
     (That’s Not a Roman Numeral!)

     I Feel Bad for the Therapist
     Who Ordered Mom Cease and Desist!
     Our Mom Gets a LITTLE Cranky!
     Running is Her Coping Blankie!

     Then There’s All That Weight to Be Lost!
     Perhaps Two Pounds, Three at the Most!
     Mom May Think She’s the Great White Whale!
     That Myth Got Busted by Our Scale!

     But Now Mom’s Better!   She’s Been Cleared!
     Bella and I Heard!   We Both Cheered!
     First Mom Heads for the Desert Trails!
     Next Up Mountains, 'Cross Streams and Vales!

     Mom’s Running and We Feel Her Thrill!
     Like Our House Took One Huge Chill Pill!
     Like We Awoke from Some Strange Spells!
     No Longer Wander on Egg Shells!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
