Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Debt of Honor!

Vol. 1  Chap. 482

             A Debt of Honor!

           Some Weren’t Much Older Than Me Now!
           With Right Hands Raised They Pledged Somehow
           To Defend This Great Land We Love!
           It’s They Who Look Down from Above

           Last Full Measure of Devotion ’s
           What All Gave, Most 'Cross Some Ocean!
           Some Had Grand Ideas!   All Had Dreams!
           Till Fate and Foes Crushed Their Wild Schemes!

           This Weekend We Remember All
           Men and Women Who Once Stood Tall
           And Who Answered Their Country’s Call!
           The Bugler’s Taps Play for You All!

           Each War Asked Their Generation
           For Unselfish Dedication!
           Young Men, Women, All Courageous,
           Whose Deeds Inspire Through the Ages!

           We Live in the Land of the Brave!
           Some of Those Brave Aren’t Here to Wave
           Our Country’s Flag!   So We Must, Bud!
           They Bought Our Freedom With Their Blood!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, May 18, 2019

She's Just Ten!

Vol. 1  Chap. 481

       She’s Just Ten!

        I Know You Think, Well She’s Just Ten!
        What Could She Know?   But Then Again,
        Life, Mom and Aud Freely Impart
        Lessons to Me!   Here’s Just a Part:

        Our Teachers Want to See Us Win
        In Ev’ry Phase of Life We’re In!
        Not Like They’re In It For the Bucks!
        They’d Make More Money Driving Trucks!

        Friends Are a Major Influence!
        When We Stand at the Confluence
        Of What’s Right and What’s Wrong, Let’s Hear
        Those Friends Who Love and Hold Us Dear!

        Life Doesn’t Always Go Our Way!
        But ‘Go Positive’’s What I Say!
        Face Good Days and Bad Just the Same!
        That’s How Some Bad Days, You Can Tame!

        If We Make It Our Goal to Aide
        Some One Who Needs It, Then We’ve Made
        Their Crushing Burden a Tad Lighter!
        And Made This World a Bit Brighter!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

I Call That Brave!

Vol. 1  Chap. 480

             I Call That Brave!

            If You’ve Followed the Daring Deeds
            Of Aunt Lisa, You Know She Needs
            An Adrenalin Rush Each Day!
            That’s How She Is!   That’s How She’ll Stay!

            This Coast Guard Captain, Brave and Proud,
            Faced Massive Waves For Cry’n Out Loud!
            Raced Against Raging Seas to Save
            Complete Strangers!   I Call That Brave!

            We Asked Her When She Retired,
            Any Chance You’d Become Mired
            In Business, Chasin’ Down Moneys?
            She Looked at Us Two, Said, “Honeys,

            “It Takes Excitement Sane Folks Fear,
            To Int’rest Me In a Career!
            Now I’m on Land, I Know the Path
            I’ll Navigate!   That Path is Math!”

            S~Hero Aunt Stopped Sea Disasters!
            Now She Has Earned Her Math Masters!
            From Now On Her Adren’lin Rush
            Comes From Teaching Kids Just Like Us!

Congratulations!  Only You Could Out Rank Master & Commander, Master & USCG Captain (Ret.) Campbell!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, May 4, 2019

"Surprise!" "Smile!"

Vol. 1  Chap. 479

          “Surprise!”    “Smile!”

         Us Girls Know How to Celebrate
         The Birthday of Our Mom, Who’s Great!
         Each Fellow Nurse Practitioner …
         You Know They Love & Respect Her!

         Before Mom Leaves From Our Driveway
         The Scent of Flowers Wafts Her Way!
         There, With Balloons, a Grand Bouquet!
         Her Beau’s a Keeper, We All Say!

         Office Door’s Wrapped Birthday Gift Style!
         Mom Claws Her Way In!   “Surprise!”  “Smile!”
         Not One Inch of Mom’s Office Space
         Was Spared the Decorator’s Grace!

         Louder Than Outside Tittering,
         Mom’s Office Phone Begins to Ring!
         She Grabs Her Coffee, Takes Her Chair!
         That Act Propels Her Through the Air!

         Sitting Blasted That Loud Air Horn!
         Co~Workers Ask Where Pam Has Gone!
         Acting On Some Psychic Feeling,
         They Spot Mom, Clutching the Ceiling!

                          Happy Birthday Mom!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
