Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Debt of Honor!

Vol. 1  Chap. 482

             A Debt of Honor!

           Some Weren’t Much Older Than Me Now!
           With Right Hands Raised They Pledged Somehow
           To Defend This Great Land We Love!
           It’s They Who Look Down from Above

           Last Full Measure of Devotion ’s
           What All Gave, Most 'Cross Some Ocean!
           Some Had Grand Ideas!   All Had Dreams!
           Till Fate and Foes Crushed Their Wild Schemes!

           This Weekend We Remember All
           Men and Women Who Once Stood Tall
           And Who Answered Their Country’s Call!
           The Bugler’s Taps Play for You All!

           Each War Asked Their Generation
           For Unselfish Dedication!
           Young Men, Women, All Courageous,
           Whose Deeds Inspire Through the Ages!

           We Live in the Land of the Brave!
           Some of Those Brave Aren’t Here to Wave
           Our Country’s Flag!   So We Must, Bud!
           They Bought Our Freedom With Their Blood!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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