Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bubble Hop!

Vol. 1  Chap. 490

           Bubble Hop!

       Times When San Diego’s Shakin',
       Our New Transports Should Be Taken!
       Not Cars, In Case Bridges Collapse,
       Or Sink Holes Swallow Them Perhaps!

       That’s Not a Time to Be Flying!
       Airports Can Be Rather Trying,
       When Landing on a Long Tarmac
       That Sports a Rather Wide, Wide Crack!

       You Need Solutions Fast!   Chop~Chop!
       So We Invented "Bubble Hop"!
       Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Friend!
       Skip All the Way Down to the End!

       Audrey and I Will Demonstrate
       The Bubble Hop System!   Don’t Wait!
       There’s Bubbles to Fit Ev’ry Size!
       Need More Space?   We Customize!

       Be Prepared For the Next Big Quake!
       Hover Safely!   Watch the Ground Shake!
       And When It’s Time To Float Back Down,
       You Can Exit on Safe, Firm Ground!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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