Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hail, Hail, The Band's All Here!

Vol. 1  Chap. 504

    Hail, Hail, The Band’s All Here!

        Our Band Practice Was So Intense!
        The Stakes Were Higher Than Immense!
        All Week We Sweated, But Had Fun!
        Hitting Our Notes in Unison!

        One Game Among All the Others
        Brings Out Moms, Dads, Sis and Brothers!
        It’s Homecoming, A Grand Affair!
        Made Better Cuz the Band’s All Here!

        That’s Me There On the Mellophone!
        No Grampa, Not a Cell Phone … Groan!
        Precision Marching, Harmony …
        The Goal of My Band Mates and Me!

        Right Now’s the Eve of Homecoming!
        And Like Each Year This Eve Will Bring
        A Dance That is So Glorious,
        Assures We’ll Be Victorious!

        Our Dance Has Got a Vegas Theme!
        I Love It So Much I Could Scream!
        You’ll See Smiles on All Our Faces,
        But Me, Tight Lipped, Hiding Braces!

(The Braces Come Off In April!!!  Yay!!!)

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mirror, Mirror!

Vol. 1  Chap. 503

                Mirror, Mirror!

            Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s

            The Fairest of Them All?  If You’s

            Been Calculating It is I,

            You Aught to Take Another Try!

            I Say With All Humility,

            There’s Plenty Girls Fairer Than Me!

            I’m More the Rugged, Outdoor Type!

            Never Believed Fairy Tale Hype!

            With Freckles Spread Across My Nose,

            This Sun~Drenched Cali Galli Knows,

            Beauty’s So Much More Than Skin Deep!

            Inner Beauty Will Always Keep!

            Show Me a Girl Who’s Loyal, True,

            Who Warms the Very Core of You!

            This Girl Knows the Important Part

            Of You is Your Generous Heart!

            So Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,

            Is There Any Reason at All

            To Live Life in a Fairy Tale?

            Be Kind!   Be True!   And You Won’t Fail!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Trading Places!

Vol. 1  Chap. 502

                Trading Places!

               You Learned Aunt Lisa is a Teacher!

               She’s Calm and Kind!   She’s No Screecher!

               She Makes the Difficult Less So!

               And Leaves Her Students in the Know!

               Our Mom’s a Nurse Practitioner!

               Broken Bodies Are Fixed By Her!

               She Works Hard to Help Her Patients!

               We Love Both Our Smart Relations!

               But What if Their Roles Were Reversed?

               If It Was Aunt Lisa Who Nursed

               Broken Body and Hurt Spirit;

               Her Smart, Calm, Kind Self Could Do It!

               Has Our Mom Got Just What It Takes

               To Teach All Day?   Make No Mistakes?

               Looking Back Over My Decade,

               I’d Have to Say, She’d Make the Grade!

               I Learned a Lot at Our Mom’s Side!

               I ‘member 'fore One Run, I Plied,

               “What’s the Opposite of Success?”

               “Giving Up,” She Said!  “Quitting ... Yes!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!!!

Vol. 1  Chap. 501

                  Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!

          Brave'ry's Not the Absence of Fear!
          It’s Keeping On Despite Your Fear!
          You’ve Heard Tales ‘bout When Fear is Near,
          Some Rush Toward Danger, Never Veer!

          In Massive Storms Aunt Lisa’d Launch,
          Surrounded by a Crew So Staunch
          They’d Take on Rough, Forty-Foot Waves!
          Sea's Angry, Coasties Made All Saves!  

          She’s Shown Courage to Continue!
          I’ve Learned Much from Her as I Grew!
          Courage, Commitment, Heart, Guts, Love!
          That’s What the Great Ones are Made Of!

          Imagine How Great It Would Be
          If She Were Plucked Out of the Sea
          Dropped In School as Your STEM Teacher!
          There’s a Teacher Who Could Reach Ya!

          At Aristoi, In Her Tough Class,
          No Child Left Behind, Lad or Lass!
          She Spreads Planned Knowledge and Relays
          True Tales of Harrowing, Brave Days!

                           Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
