Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mirror, Mirror!

Vol. 1  Chap. 503

                Mirror, Mirror!

            Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s

            The Fairest of Them All?  If You’s

            Been Calculating It is I,

            You Aught to Take Another Try!

            I Say With All Humility,

            There’s Plenty Girls Fairer Than Me!

            I’m More the Rugged, Outdoor Type!

            Never Believed Fairy Tale Hype!

            With Freckles Spread Across My Nose,

            This Sun~Drenched Cali Galli Knows,

            Beauty’s So Much More Than Skin Deep!

            Inner Beauty Will Always Keep!

            Show Me a Girl Who’s Loyal, True,

            Who Warms the Very Core of You!

            This Girl Knows the Important Part

            Of You is Your Generous Heart!

            So Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,

            Is There Any Reason at All

            To Live Life in a Fairy Tale?

            Be Kind!   Be True!   And You Won’t Fail!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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