Saturday, May 29, 2021

No Greater Love!


Vol. 1  Chap. 587

           No Greater Love!


In Europe It’s Remembrance Day

At Home It’s Memorial Day!

Theirs Honors World Wars' KIAs

Ours, Each War a Patriot Pays


That Last Measure of Devotion!

Who Pay in Blood for the Notion

That Humans Deserve Liberty!

That Humans Must, ‘Bove All, Be Free!


No Greater Love Has Any Man

Or Woman, Than Give All They Can!

Memorial or Remembrance,

This Day Commands Our Reverence!


A Youth’s is a Curious Mind!

Nurture It!  Help Your Child to Find

The Stories of Our Heroes Past!

These Are the Lessons That Will Last


Teach Them ‘Bout Brave Young Folks Who Stood

Up and Fought For the Greater Good!

This is the Time to Reach, to Teach!

Do That First!  Then Head to the Beach!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, May 22, 2021

Eternally Requited Love!


Vol. 1  Chap. 586

         Eternally Requited Love!

        How Do I Weigh, Measure, Assay

        The Love Animals Send My Way?

        The Dogs I Have?  The Dogs I’ve Had?

        I’ve Never Had a Dog Who’s Bad!


        I’ve Seen Some Owners Who Weren’t Great!

        Heard Some Try Hard to Instill Hate!

        Hear There’s a Special Place in Hell

        Saved for Those Who Don’t Treat Dogs Well!


        If Left to Their Own Devises,

        Fam’ly Dogs Aren’t Just the Nicest

        Creatures on the Face of This Earth!

        They’re Loyal, Brave and Filled with Mirth!


        I’ve Looked Deep Into My Dogs' Eyes!

        What I’ve Seen Comes as No Surprise!

        There’s Reservoirs of Love Back There!

        An Unshakeable Love So Rare!


        I Hope This Verse Helps You to See

        The Love Between My Dogs and Me!

        Sweet Bonds Of Unbending Forces!

        Don’t Get Me Started ‘Bout Horses!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




Saturday, May 15, 2021

Keep Going!


Vol. 1  Chap. 585 


       Keep Going!



Don’t Matter What You’re Going Through!

What Matters, Of Course, is That You

Keep Going, One Foot at a Time,

One Small Step Up Begins Your Climb!

That First Step, It Can Be Crucial

To End Your Spiral So You Shall

Begin to Change Your Perspective!

Open Your Eyes, Your Heart and Give


The World Around You a Fresh Look!

I Know!  I’ve Tried!  And All It Took

Is Changing from Introspection!

New Reflections, New Directions ...


Take a Walk Beside the Ocean!

You Could Never Keep the Notion

That Your Travails Top All the Rest!

You Might Just See How Much You’re Blessed!



We Will Hit Times When All We See

Is Clothed in Negativity!

Recognize That!  Let Yourself See

Nature Can Restore You and Me!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Mothers' Day!


Vol. 1  Chap. 584


   Happy Mothers’ Day!


If Every Day Were Mothers’ Day

I Still Don’t Think We Could Replay

All the Ways Our Mom’s Instructed

How Our Lives Should Be Conducted!


There’s Times To Get Serious, Dude!

And Times to Lighten Up the Mood!

Give You Career Your Best Each Day!

Shatter Tensions Along the Way!


For Work, No Matter What You Choose,

Do What Thrills You and You Can’t Lose!

Your Sister is Your Best, Best~Friend!

Don’t Ever Let That Closeness End!


A Journey of a Thousand Miles

Starts With One Step, Mom Says, Then Smiles!

Goals Don’t Start with a Marathon!

You Build Up Strength to Carry On!


Sometimes Life Hits You Fast and Hard!

Nature’s Gut Punch Gets Past Your Guard

Mom’s Mantra To Toughen Us Up …

She Chants, “Suck It Up, Buttercup!”

   Happy Mothers' Day Mom & Aunt Lisa! 

            We Love You!!!  

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, May 1, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom!


Vol. 1  Chap. 583

    Happy Birthday Mom!



Might Not Always See Eye to Eye,

Bella and I, We Both See Why!

My Eyes, They Reside Way Up Here!

Mom’s … Clearly on a Lower Tier!


But Don’t You Underestimate

Just How Many Ways Mom is Great!

It’s Not Just Cuz She’s Beautiful!

Of Course That’s Irrefutable!


Mom’s Old!  But Not Quite Elderly!

How Old?  You Won’t Hear That from Me!

Some Say Mom Swam in the Dead Sea

When It was the Somewhat Pale Sea!


Mom’s Trained to Face Emergencies!

When Others Panic, She’s at Ease!

Like That Time Bella Lost Her Head!

All Around Freak~Outs, But Instead


Some Fainted!  Others Threw a Fit!

Mom Calmly Grabbed Her Sewing Kit

And Stitched Bella’s Head Back on Top

So Fast Belle Never Bled a Drop!

There You Have It!  Each Word is True!

Except for Maybe One or Two!

It's Mom's Humor This Rhyme Comes From!

We Love You!  Happy Birthday Mom!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

