Saturday, May 22, 2021

Eternally Requited Love!


Vol. 1  Chap. 586

         Eternally Requited Love!

        How Do I Weigh, Measure, Assay

        The Love Animals Send My Way?

        The Dogs I Have?  The Dogs I’ve Had?

        I’ve Never Had a Dog Who’s Bad!


        I’ve Seen Some Owners Who Weren’t Great!

        Heard Some Try Hard to Instill Hate!

        Hear There’s a Special Place in Hell

        Saved for Those Who Don’t Treat Dogs Well!


        If Left to Their Own Devises,

        Fam’ly Dogs Aren’t Just the Nicest

        Creatures on the Face of This Earth!

        They’re Loyal, Brave and Filled with Mirth!


        I’ve Looked Deep Into My Dogs' Eyes!

        What I’ve Seen Comes as No Surprise!

        There’s Reservoirs of Love Back There!

        An Unshakeable Love So Rare!


        I Hope This Verse Helps You to See

        The Love Between My Dogs and Me!

        Sweet Bonds Of Unbending Forces!

        Don’t Get Me Started ‘Bout Horses!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




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