Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thanksgiving in Arizona!

Vol. 1  Chap. 456

Thanksgiving in Arizona!

We Rolled East Toward Arizona!
Long Treks Do Change My Persona!
Thought Our Journey Would Never End!
Sang, “Are We There Yet?” Lots My Friend!

There’s No Place Better That We Knowed
Than Iron Mike’s Friendly Abode!
Claudia, Wyatt and Zilla
All Inhabit Their Grand Villa!

But Wait!   There’s More!   Each Campbell Kid
Flew West Bringing Their Mom, They Did!
And Mike’s Grown Men Were at His Side!
Cousin Joe Beams Next to His Bride!

Even Zilla Joins Show and Tell!
She Has Two Giant Pups as Well!
Mike Gets Mom and Audrey Braying!
Unseen, Lexi Starts Crocheting!

Inside, the House Smells So Divine!
Distracted, I Missed Ev’ry Sign!
Lexi’s Fingers Flew So Fast That
Lex Crocheted All Twenty a Hat!

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Girl Role Model?

Vol. 1  Chap. 455

A Girl Role Model?

What Makes a Girl a Role Model?
Must She Be an Aristotle?
Must She Fight with Fists of Fury?
Face Danger to Save You and Me?

Cousin Lexi Turned Twenty~Two!
That’s Just a Slice of What She’ll Do!
She Graduated Texas State,
In STEM Courses, Straight A’s!   She’s Great!

This Black Belt Has Taught TaeKwonDo!
Her Fists and Feet Flash So Fast Yo
Can Never Repel Her Attack!
What Ever You Did, TAKE IT BACK!

On the Worst Night She’s Ever Known,
She Saved Countless Folks, Some Who’s Bone
Stuck Right Out of Their Broken Limb!
Hero?   That Ain’t No Pseudonym!

Role Model’s an Apt Moniker
For Lexi!   It Fits All of Her! 
She’s Loved By Her Whole Family!
She’s Loved Tons by Audrey and Me!

Happy Birthday Cousin Lexi/Andi!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Thank You Veterans!

Vol. 1  Chap. 454

      Thank You Veterans!

      Thank You Veterans Ev’rywhere!
      We Exist Free Because You Dare
      Face Off Against Our Enemy!
      Your Role Preserves Our Liberty!

      Your Brave, Heroic Sacrifice …
      Some Paid in Blood the Highest Price,
      Won’t E’re Fade From Our Memory!
      You are the Spine of This Country!

      Marines, Air Force, Army, Navy,
      Coast Guard, National Guard All See
      That Threats to Our Democracy
      Meet Swift, Certain Finality!

      I’ve Grown Up Privileged to Say,
      I’m Surrounded by Vets Each Day!
      Those Who Still Can, Stand Ramrod Tall,
      Cuz They Know Some Can’t Stand at All!

      Please Make Time This Important Day
      To Join Our Veterans and Pray
      For an End to Hostility …
      In a World Where We All Live Free!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Harry's Gal, Ginny!

Vol. 1  Chap. 453

Harry’s Gal, Ginny!

I’m That Girl!   The One From Devon!
The Pugnacious Sister of Ron!
Ginevra Weasley, On a Rant!
Dumbledore’s Fiercest Combatant!

What Better Night Than Halloween
For Me and Mates to Make the Scene?
Mischief is What I’m Famous For!
Mischief and Each Quick Quidditch Score!

Don’t Mean to Brag!   Don’t Mean to Boast!
After Quidditch, I’m Who They Toast!
There’s a Reason That I Turned Pro!
I’m the Best in These Parts, For Sho!

You Know I’m a Pure Blood Line Witch!
My Latest Trick Will Make You Twitch!
I Turned This Once Red~Head Beauty
Into a Scary Doll!   Come See!

But Don’t Feel Bad for Scary Doll!
She Feels No Discomfort at All!
Ms. Rowling Woke From Her Nightmare,
Found Harry and Me Were a Pair!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
