Saturday, November 3, 2018

Harry's Gal, Ginny!

Vol. 1  Chap. 453

Harry’s Gal, Ginny!

I’m That Girl!   The One From Devon!
The Pugnacious Sister of Ron!
Ginevra Weasley, On a Rant!
Dumbledore’s Fiercest Combatant!

What Better Night Than Halloween
For Me and Mates to Make the Scene?
Mischief is What I’m Famous For!
Mischief and Each Quick Quidditch Score!

Don’t Mean to Brag!   Don’t Mean to Boast!
After Quidditch, I’m Who They Toast!
There’s a Reason That I Turned Pro!
I’m the Best in These Parts, For Sho!

You Know I’m a Pure Blood Line Witch!
My Latest Trick Will Make You Twitch!
I Turned This Once Red~Head Beauty
Into a Scary Doll!   Come See!

But Don’t Feel Bad for Scary Doll!
She Feels No Discomfort at All!
Ms. Rowling Woke From Her Nightmare,
Found Harry and Me Were a Pair!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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