Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Girl Role Model?

Vol. 1  Chap. 455

A Girl Role Model?

What Makes a Girl a Role Model?
Must She Be an Aristotle?
Must She Fight with Fists of Fury?
Face Danger to Save You and Me?

Cousin Lexi Turned Twenty~Two!
That’s Just a Slice of What She’ll Do!
She Graduated Texas State,
In STEM Courses, Straight A’s!   She’s Great!

This Black Belt Has Taught TaeKwonDo!
Her Fists and Feet Flash So Fast Yo
Can Never Repel Her Attack!
What Ever You Did, TAKE IT BACK!

On the Worst Night She’s Ever Known,
She Saved Countless Folks, Some Who’s Bone
Stuck Right Out of Their Broken Limb!
Hero?   That Ain’t No Pseudonym!

Role Model’s an Apt Moniker
For Lexi!   It Fits All of Her! 
She’s Loved By Her Whole Family!
She’s Loved Tons by Audrey and Me!

Happy Birthday Cousin Lexi/Andi!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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