Saturday, January 26, 2019

Legal Dog~Ma!

Vol. 1  Chap. 465 

              Legal Dog~Ma!

        Once I Was Sure Mom Had a Bed!
        A Comfy Place to Lay Her Head
        And Let Her Worries Melt Away!
        I Once Was Sure … Then Again Hey …

        The Bed Formerly Known as Mom’s
        Is Now the Subject of My Qualms!
        Mom’s Bed’s Owned By Our Dog?  Insane!
        That Pup Used Eminent Domain!

        Seems Lady~Love was Secretly
        Plotting Her Life of Luxury!
        And Phase~One of Her Usurping
        Meant Waiting ‘til Mom Was Working

        Then Invite Some Legal~Beagle
        To Photo Her Laying Regal
        In Mom’s Bed Just Like She Owned It!
        Now Ask the Court to Rezone It!

        But In Came Audrey, Right on Cue!
        Count on Big Sister to Come Through!
        Her School’s Peddling Some Fine Mattress!
        Aud Made Quota!   Our Mom Got Rest!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’all!


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Vol. 1  Chap. 464

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Way Back Before Our Mom Was Born,
When This Great Country, It Was Torn
Along a Strict Racial Divide!
Equality Could Not Abide!

Today’s Terrorists Do Not Own
A Monopoly on the Sewn
Seeds of Hatred!   But Here’s the Thing …
That Pre~Mom World Had Doctor King!

Gandhi First Used Non~Violence,
Developed Passive Resistance!  
Thus Gave His Dirt Poor Folks a Chance
To End Hate and Intolerance!

Doctor King Studied Gandhi’s Way! 
Passive Resistance Could, He’d Say,
Put An End to the Blood Spilling,
Begin Forgiving, God Willing!

He Taught We Must Take It Further!
“We Must Learn to Live Together
“As Brothers or Perish as Fools!”
Our World Needs More of King’s Values!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Life Imitating Art!

Vol. 1  Chap. 463

           Life Imitating Art!

        Not the Type of Kid to Complain,
        But I Get No Kick From Champagne!
        “Is This Champagne?”  I Dares Refutes,
        This Drink and I Have Ginger Roots!

        But Champagne Can't Get My Goat, Mate!
        Of That There Can Be No Debate!
        We’re Deep Into the Playoffs and
        I’m Dealt a Most Perplexing Hand!

        Our Chargers Left San Diego!
        No Loyalty from Them, You Know!
        The Old Folks, Like Grampa and Mom,
        Root for the Team That’s Led By Tom!

        Once Audrey Transformed Our Driveway
        Into Artwork Designed to Say
        Pats Over Bolts If These Teams Met!
        My Sand Dollars Know How I’ll Bet!

        What Happens Next In Foxboro?
        Mom’s Friend The Gronk and Team Mates Go
        Head to Head With Our One~Time Team!
        Who’ll Drink Champagne?   Tune In!   See’em!

                             Go Pats Go!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Peace, Love and Joy!

Vol. 1  Chap. 462

        Peace, Love and Joy!

        Surprised by the Adulation
        We Keep Getting on Vacation!
        San Diego Girls Hit the Beach
        Whenever There’s a School Year Breach!

        Since We First Moved on Hands and Knees,
        We’ve Been Cooled By the Ocean’s Breeze!
        And My Heart Beats, Rat~a Tapping
        In Synch with Gentle Waves Lapping

        Against the Shores While Tides Are High!
        Young Dreams of Building to the Sky
        A New Year’s Stately Pleasure Dome
        Gave Way to a More Courtly Home!

        The Statement That Our Castle Makes,
        Peace, Love and Joy are What It Takes
        To Assure Two~Thousand~Nineteen
        Can Never Be Described as Mean!

        Imagine Next Year at the End
        As All of Us Turn Towards a Friend,
        “We Loved This Year!”   “Truly 'Twas Grand!”
        To Think … It Started In This Sand!

        Happy New Year Friends!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’all!
