Saturday, January 19, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Vol. 1  Chap. 464

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Way Back Before Our Mom Was Born,
When This Great Country, It Was Torn
Along a Strict Racial Divide!
Equality Could Not Abide!

Today’s Terrorists Do Not Own
A Monopoly on the Sewn
Seeds of Hatred!   But Here’s the Thing …
That Pre~Mom World Had Doctor King!

Gandhi First Used Non~Violence,
Developed Passive Resistance!  
Thus Gave His Dirt Poor Folks a Chance
To End Hate and Intolerance!

Doctor King Studied Gandhi’s Way! 
Passive Resistance Could, He’d Say,
Put An End to the Blood Spilling,
Begin Forgiving, God Willing!

He Taught We Must Take It Further!
“We Must Learn to Live Together
“As Brothers or Perish as Fools!”
Our World Needs More of King’s Values!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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