Saturday, September 14, 2019

I Have Some Nits to Pick!

Vol. 1  Chap. 498 

       I Have Some Nits to Pick!

           Not Once Have I Sprung Out of Bed!
           Though Springing’s How I’ve Heard It Said!
           And Jump Into the Shower … Please!
           I Toe Temp Test With My Piggies!

           In School, While I May Raise My Hand,
           I Never Raise a Ruckus!   And
           I’m Not Even Sure That I Should!
           Is Ruckus Raising All That Good?

           Nothing Sadder Than a Sick Pup!
           But Why Do We Say They Threw Up?
           If Pups Ever Really Did That,
           My Ceiling Fan Would Spread That Splat!

           If Our Language is So Exact
           Why’s Imperfection Such a Fact?
           Does My Nit~Picking Drive You Nuts?
           No Drive Golfers, Just Real Short Putts!

           We Can Land a Man on the Moon!
           You Think We’ll Learn Our Language Soon?
           Instead We Drive on a Parkway,
           Reach Home, Then Park in Our Drive Way!

                                Oh Bother!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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