Saturday, March 21, 2020

One Great Age!

Vol. 1  Chap. 525

        One Great Age!

Well I’m Not Scared!  I’m Calm (Mostly)!
Though Downtown Streets Sure are Ghostly!
You Can’t Turn on the Ev’ning News
And Not Hear Pretty Chilling Views!

No Senior Prom, Here or Elsewhere!
I Feel Bad!   But I Really Care
About Our Senior Citizens!
Protect Them from Folks Ignorin’

The CDC Regs, "Stay at Home!"
Avoid Travel, Espec’lly Rome!
But Wait!   We Live in One Great Age
When Virtual is All the Rage!

We Skype!   We Text!  We’re Not Alone!
Connect with LapTops or Cell Phone!
And These are Skills Easily Taught
To Grandparents!   Now What They’ve Got

Is Trips to Museums and Zoos!
To Broadway Shows Sure to Amuse!
The Old Folks Say, “This Too Shall Pass!”
“Once It Does … Look Skyward, Young Lass!"

       Stay Healthy Everyone!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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