Saturday, March 7, 2020

Empty Self Esteem!

Vol. 1  Chap 523

      Empty Self Esteem!

     I’m Not One to Grouse and Complain
     But One Thing ‘Bout Drives Me Insane,
     That’s When Well~Meaning Adults Act
     Like Kids are Chicks Whose Shells Just Cracked!

     When You Feed a Steady Diet
     Of Endless Praise, We Don’t Buy It!
     Superlatives are Meaningless
     When They’re Not Earned, So Let Me Guess!

     You Read Somewhere That Self Esteem
     Is Fragile, So You Feed a Stream
     Of Praise, When No Praise Has Been Earned!
     Is That Cuz One Time You Were Spurned?

     Join with Those of Us Who Have Learned
     Esteem’s Hollow When It’s Not Earned!
     When You Master Your Toughest Chore
     You’ve Earned the Right to Crow!   What’s More

     You’ve Added to Your Arsenal
     Firm Knowledge That You Can Do Well,
     That's Born of Sweat, Perserverence ...
     If Lucky, the Right Audience!


                     You Got This!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
