Saturday, July 25, 2020

Texas Tim Turns Fifteen!

Vol. 1  Chap. 543

 Texas Tim Turns Fifteen!

 Our Cousin, Cute, Sweet, Tiny Tim!
 Now Check Out What’s Become of Him!
 Fifteen!  Tim Nearly Is a Man!
 A Man with a Condor’s Wing~Span!

 When Mom’s Sick Tim Looks After Her!
 Then Airs Her Out By the River!
 Born With an Adventurer’s Heart!
 Celest’al Navigator’s Chart!

 From a Young Age His Friend Elon
 Musk Let Our Brave Tim Tag Along
 On Voyages to Outer Space!
 You’ll Find It’s Hard to Keep Tim’s Pace!

 There’s No Cure for His Acting Bug!

 Up On Stage Gallant Tim Can Tug

 At Your Heart Strings!  He’ll Pull You In!
 Cut You Slack!  Rope You In Again!

 Despite His Bouts of Cam’ra Shy,
 Tim Could Be President!  Here’s Why:

 Under~Dogs All Adore Our Tim!
 Face It!  America Needs Him!

          I’m Timothy Campbell
      And I Approve This Message!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, July 18, 2020

My Covid Cocoon!

Vol. 1  Chap. 542

         My Covid Cocoon!

I’m Stuck in This Covid Cocoon!
I Really Hope This All Ends Soon!
Of Fifth Grade, I Missed a Big Chunk!
I’m No Fan of This Covid Junk!

Sometimes I Don’t Know Just Which Day
It Is!  Feels Like I’ll Always Stay
Stuck In My House, Sans a Single
School Friend!  God, Please Let Me Mingle!

But Covid Doesn’t Work That Way!
I Know Mom’s Right!  I Hear Her Say
Sure It’s Hard, But We Must Distance
Not Sometimes, But Every Instance!

Now Fifth Grade’s Gone!  It’s History!
Sixth Grade Starts ‘bout the Same For Me!
More Distance Learning!  No Contacts
With Any Friends, Just Dry, Dry Facts!

Aud Says When We Leave Our Cocoon,
Immune … The World Will Find Out Soon,
I’ve Grown!  While No One’s Looking I
Morphed To a Monarch Butterfly!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, July 11, 2020

To Split Hairs!

Vol. 1  Chap. 541

    To Split Hairs!

My Sister Lives Life to the Max!
Don’t Believe Me?  Follow Her Tracks!
In School She Excels Most In S.T.E.M.!
Tough Subjects!  She Devours Them!

That Great Head Up On Her Shoulder
Gets Better as She Gets Older!
I Know as Long as She’s Near Me,
I’m ‘bout as Safe as Safe Can Be!

In Any Crisis Aud Stays Calm!
Staying Near Her’s Avoiding Harm!
Aud’s No Weak Lamb In The Manger!
She’s Trained to Respond to Danger!

So Knowing That, Don’t Think It Strange
That Aud’s Trained at the Firing Range!
She’s Sensible … Responsible …
And Her Bull’s Eye’s Shredded at Will!

Here’s Where I Don’t Mean to Split Hairs!
But the Weapon That Audrey Cares
The Most For is Her Throwing Ax!
Big Sis Can Repel Most Attacks!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, July 4, 2020

C'mon People!

Vol. 1  Chap. 540

                           C'mon People!

True, the Greatest Generation
Could Have Saved This Ailing Nation!
Self~Sacrifice, Courage Galore!
They Knew What They Were Fighting For!

Our Marines on Iwo Jima ...
D~Day Soldiers Were No Prima
Donnas Who Thought of Me, Me, Me!
If They Had, We Would Not Be Free!

No Gun, Grenade or Flame Thrower
Is Necessary to Lower
Our Death Toll!  Here is All We Ask:
Distance, Wash Hands and Wear a Mask!

Today’s America’s Birthday!
C’mon People, Heed What I Say,
We Could Beat Covid This July
If We Give It an Honest Try!

If We Don’t Now Pull Together,
It May Be Too Late to Weather
This Tempest!  Step Up!  Show the Ways!
Let’s End This Thing in Thirty Days!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
