Saturday, July 25, 2020

Texas Tim Turns Fifteen!

Vol. 1  Chap. 543

 Texas Tim Turns Fifteen!

 Our Cousin, Cute, Sweet, Tiny Tim!
 Now Check Out What’s Become of Him!
 Fifteen!  Tim Nearly Is a Man!
 A Man with a Condor’s Wing~Span!

 When Mom’s Sick Tim Looks After Her!
 Then Airs Her Out By the River!
 Born With an Adventurer’s Heart!
 Celest’al Navigator’s Chart!

 From a Young Age His Friend Elon
 Musk Let Our Brave Tim Tag Along
 On Voyages to Outer Space!
 You’ll Find It’s Hard to Keep Tim’s Pace!

 There’s No Cure for His Acting Bug!

 Up On Stage Gallant Tim Can Tug

 At Your Heart Strings!  He’ll Pull You In!
 Cut You Slack!  Rope You In Again!

 Despite His Bouts of Cam’ra Shy,
 Tim Could Be President!  Here’s Why:

 Under~Dogs All Adore Our Tim!
 Face It!  America Needs Him!

          I’m Timothy Campbell
      And I Approve This Message!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
