Saturday, August 15, 2020

Next Stop ~ The Zoo!

Vol. 1  Chap 546

   Next Stop ~ The Zoo!

We Have a Lot to Learn, Ya Know
From Animals That We Love!  So,
We Headed Out ... Next Stop the Zoo!
If You’d Like, You Can Join Us Too!

First Meet the Gals From Uganda!
Mountain Gorillas We’re Fond’a!
Social Distancing is a Trait
These Girls Excel At!  Aren’t They Great?

Can’t Say the Same For the Giraffe!
Like Kids They Like to Hang and Laugh!
They Strip the Bark Off All the Trees,
‘Spec’ly Once They’ve Munched All Their

If You Should Hear the Lion Roar,
“Get Over Here!  Unlock This Door!”
“We’re Sad Up Here’s Why We’re Cryin’”
Don’t Do It!  He’s Surely Lion!

No One Gets Close to the Tiger!
She’s a Snarler!  She’s a Biter!
You May Think You’re Up to the Task,
But Don’t Fit This Cat For a Mask!

That’s the ABC’s of Our Zoo!
Let’s March!  We’ve Got Hiking to Do!
Make Sure Your Mask is Tight and Snug!
Do Avoid Each Gorilla’s Hug!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



  1. Back in the early '70's, we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. The tiger cages were wraught iron, there was a short draught iron fence in front (about 4 feet away). My boys were 3 & 4 standing on the bottom rung and holding on... Because you know how hard it is to see through the rails. The tiger was pacing back and forth seemingly agitated. Suddenly he backed up to the cage edge and shot a hot stream of urine right into my 3 yr old's belly .... Thank the Good Lord I always traveled with a suitcase with changes of clothes, and shampoo. The smell was over powering ... I threw his clothes away.

  2. Yours May Be The Single Gr8est Zoo Visit Story I've Ever Heard! Unless, of Course, You Happen to Be That 3 Year Old Boy ... at Which Point It's Just Horrifically Disgusting! Poor Kid.
