Saturday, November 28, 2020

Over Time!

 Vol. 1  Chap.  561

         Over Time!



“Don’t Eat Things Bigger Than Your Head!”

Is Just One Pearl My Grampa Said!

“And When Your Life’s Not Going Right,

“Go Left to Get You Through the Night!”


“Look at Me In That Tone of Voice

“And I Just Might Not Have a Choice

“But March Up to Your Too~Cute Mug

“And Give You One Warm, Welcomed Hug!”


“Present Your Face Up to the Sky!

“First Let That Flock of Birds Fly By!”

No Wiser Words Were Ever Spoke!

Bird Poop on Your Face Ain’t No Joke!


Over Time, I’ve Grown to Believe

That Grampas Exist to Relieve

The Stress, the Mess That Could Depress

A Tween or Teen Who’s Grampa~Less!


Grampa’s Words Flow Like He’s Praying!

“Spring is Nature’s Way of Saying,

“Party Hardy, My Granddaughter!”

I Do!  Grampa Says I Aught’a!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, November 21, 2020

Such is Life!


Vol. 1  Chap. 560

       Such is Life!




I’m Up Pre~Dawn!  Nowhere to Go!

Such is Life in San Diego!

Its Sad That Ev’ry Day’s the Same!

This Whole Pandemic Thing’s So Lame!


“Want Cheese With That Wine?”, Says Mama!

She’s Not a Huge Fan of Drama!

I’d Forgot Today’s Saturday!

“Get Dressed!  Let’s Go!”, I Hear Her Say!


Aud and Daphne Sleep In the Back!

Mom Lays Out Her Plans of Attack!

"We Can’t Hang With People Today!

Let’s See What God’s Got On Display!"


So Not Too Far From Our Driveway

We Watch Sunrise Get Underway!

Next Stop Was the Mighty Ocean!

Mesmerized By Its Grand Motion!


Aud Wakes Up, Questions Where She’s At!

That Gets a Laugh!  Then I See That

Mom Knows How to Make Ennui Go ...

See God's Best Work ... San Diego!



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




Saturday, November 14, 2020

What Kind of Person?


Vol. 1  Chap. 559

    What Kind of Person?

What Kind of Person Volunteers

To Leave Behind Her Kin, Her Peers?

To Act as if She Had No Fears?

To Sign Up to Serve All Those Years?

What Sort of Boy Would Leave Behind

A World Where People Treat You Kind?

With Comfort Foods For Home Cooked Meals?

Where Girls Like Both You and Your Wheels?

They Swipe Your Wardrobe!  Shave Your Head!

Obsess ‘Bout How You Make Your Bed!

First Time You See the Food, No Guess!

It’s Clear Now Why They Call This Mess!

They Push You to the Breaking Point!

Then Push Beyond, ‘Fore They Anoint

You to the Lowest Rank There Is

Your Sleep Starved Self is Thrilled with This!


What Kind of Person, Need You Ask?

The Kind Who’ll Preform Any Task

A Humble, Unsung Hero, Yet

One Damn Proud America Vet!

Thank You Lisa Campbell, USCG Capt. (Ret),
    Michael Ewen, USMC MSgt (Ret.)   
    And All Who Do or Have Served!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, November 7, 2020

Our Spot!


Vol. 1  Chap. 558

                           Our Spot!


            Sometimes When I Feel My World Shrink,
            I Find a Spot to Sit and Think!
            It Doesn’t Take Me Long to Give
            My Jumbled Self Some Perspective!


            There’s Forces In This World, Unseen
            That Prey on the Mind of a 'Tween!
            That’s When I Need to Concentrate
            On What It Is That Makes Life Great!


            I Like That I’m Kid Number Two!
            You Would, If You Had Audrey To
            Signal You When You Need a Clue
            And Silently Shepherd You Through


            What Could Have Been a Huge Faux Pas!
            She’s Saved My Butt Each Time, So Far!
            Soon She’ll Find Her College I Fear!
            Next Year’s Senior!  Then Out of Here!


            My Mind Knows That’s the Best For Her!
            This Future Doc Will Find The Cure
            For Pre~Teen Insecurities!
            ‘Til Then We’ll Chill On Old Dead Trees!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

