Saturday, February 27, 2021

Zoom and Gloom!

Vol. 1  Chap. 574

        Zoom and Gloom!

            (Subtitle: The California Strain!)


          Now That I Live Pandemicly,

          I’ve Lost Much Academic’ly!

          I’m Not a Kid Who’s Built for Zoom!

          I Miss Being In My Classroom!


          We Got Kicked Out of School Last Year

          Amidst the Covid’s Wide~Spread Fear!

          They Said, “Home Learning’s Just the Same!”

          I Say, “It Will Drive Me Insane!”


         I Want My Teachers To Be Safe!

         I’m Not Some Heartless, Selfish Waif!

         I Just Want My School Back on Track!

         Is That So Very Much To Ask?


         Zoom Isn’t Like Watching Telly!

         Tall Teacher’s Cams Just Show Belly!

         Some Teachers Are a Talking Head!

         Some Days We See White Boards Instead!


         Audio Glitches Are Common!

         Once a Week, One’s Got the Mute On!

         I Need School Back!  I Can’t Hack It!

        It’s School!  Or It’s My Straight~Jacket!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Snow Falling on Palms


Vol. 1  Chap 573

            Snow Falling on Palms!


        Texans Endured One Cold, Sad Week,

        The Lone Star More Than Got a Peek

        At a Frozen Arctic Vortex

        It Blew In an Unwelcome Mix!


        Snow and Ice Took Down Tall Palm Trees,

        Downed Electric Utilities!

        Harsh Winds Replaced Our Warm Gulf Breeze!

        Days and Nights Texans Felt the Freeze!


        Dark Days Set Half Century Lows!

        Two Days the Weather Record Shows

        Were Coldest In One Hundred Year!

        Campbells and Grampa Persevere!


        Five Hundred Seventy-Two Times

        On Saturdays We’d Read Our Rhymes!

        Do You Think That No Internet

        Would Slow It Down?  Oh Yah!  You Bet!


        No Power Meant No Phone Charger!

        Surges Made the Problem Larger!

        One Surge Fried Our Grampa’s Modem

        Delayed This Saturday Poem!



Hope Everyone is as Safe as Our Grampa

& the Campbells!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




Saturday, February 13, 2021

Indiana Jayne's Archeology Class!


Vol. 1  Chap. 572

    Indiana Jayne’s Archeology Class!


     This Home We Call San Diego,

     So Many Million Years Ago

     Was All Part of the Ocean Floor

     That’s True for Us!  But Wait, There’s More!

     When We Drive East to See Cousins

     In Arizona, It Wasn’t

     Always That Hot, Dry, Sandy Place!

     If You Search, You’ll Still Find a Trace


     Of Fish Fossils from Eons Past!

     Thank God Those Oceans Didn’t Last!

     The Seas Receded!   Land Dried Out!

     Large Mammals, Reptiles Roamed About!


     Then Woman Made Her Grand Entrance!

     This World Hasn’t Been the Same Since!

     When Saber~Tooths Roared, She Roared Back!

     But She Tread Light!  Covered Her Track!


     Men Think They’re the Mighty Hunter!

     No Men Ever Dared Confront Her

     When Cave~Moms Dragged Home Bison Meat!

     That Meant the Whole Fam’ly Would Eat!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Brady Bunch!


Vol. 1  Chap. 571

              The Brady Bunch!


         Bella and I Didn’t Jump On

         Some New Tom Brady Band Wagon!

         Most Don’t Know Our Tom Terrific

         Is Native To the Pacific!


         Since Birth It Seems This Family

         Have Been Brady Fans, Believe Me!

         Mom and Grampa Introduced Us

         They’re Both Like Football’s Confucius!


         Our Tom’s Come Home and Brought His Friends!

         The Navy’s Hospital Depends

         On Morale Trips and Time They Spend

         With Wounded Heroes On the Mend!


        We’ve Won Many an Ice Cream Cone

        Betting with Grampa on the Phone!

        We Choose First!   We Take Tom, of Course!

        We Love Riding the Winning Horse!


        Check Out Tom’s New Team, Tampa Bay!

        We Know That They’ll Go All the Way!

        Tom’s Not Just a Leader of Men!

        Would Mom Follow Him?   Oh Yah, Friend!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

