Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Snow Falling on Palms


Vol. 1  Chap 573

            Snow Falling on Palms!


        Texans Endured One Cold, Sad Week,

        The Lone Star More Than Got a Peek

        At a Frozen Arctic Vortex

        It Blew In an Unwelcome Mix!


        Snow and Ice Took Down Tall Palm Trees,

        Downed Electric Utilities!

        Harsh Winds Replaced Our Warm Gulf Breeze!

        Days and Nights Texans Felt the Freeze!


        Dark Days Set Half Century Lows!

        Two Days the Weather Record Shows

        Were Coldest In One Hundred Year!

        Campbells and Grampa Persevere!


        Five Hundred Seventy-Two Times

        On Saturdays We’d Read Our Rhymes!

        Do You Think That No Internet

        Would Slow It Down?  Oh Yah!  You Bet!


        No Power Meant No Phone Charger!

        Surges Made the Problem Larger!

        One Surge Fried Our Grampa’s Modem

        Delayed This Saturday Poem!



Hope Everyone is as Safe as Our Grampa

& the Campbells!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




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