Saturday, March 13, 2021

Isabelle is Twelve!!!


Vol. 1 Chap. 576 


            Isabelle is Twelve!!!


          Today Celebrates One Whole Day

          Of Being Twelve!  Hooray!  Hooray!

          I’m Not Sure What Thrills Me the Most,

          My Birthday?  Or I’m Not a Ghost?


          Last Year I Mean Really, Who Knew

          The Sort of Year That We’d Go Through?

          Back Then, Corona was a Beer!

          Covid a Word We’re Yet to Hear!


          My Last Birthday Celebration

          Drew the Line of Demarcation

          Between the World That We Once Knew

          And What This World Would Put Us Through!


          But Now, Today, I’m Standing Here

          Hopeful That In My Thirteenth Year

          Vaccines and Herd Immunity

          And Moms Will Protect Kids Like Me!


          I Woke Up Twelve, Look and Feel Good!

          Cruisin’ Fast Toward Teenager~Hood!

          Firmly Believe For Me and You

          This Covid Curse is Nearly Through!


                Happy Birthday Sweet Bella!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



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