Saturday, December 11, 2021

Santa & Myth's Claus


Vol. 1.  Chap. 615 


             Santa & Myth’s Claus! 



            Once I Believed with All My Heart! 

            Mom and Audrey Sure Played Their Part! 

            I Was Bamboozled as a Youth! 

            Kept In the Dark!   Blind to the Truth! 


            Imagine a Sweet Kid Like Me 

            Fed a Diet of Pure Hooey, 

            Complete with Intricate Detail! 

            A Tale Like That Could Never Fail 


            To Hook My Whole Generation! 

            Soon We Joined the Veneration 

            Of Some Judgmental Jolly Guy 

            Who Made It His Business to Spy 

            On Kids Tryin' to be a Kid! 

            He Bragged ‘bout Seein' All We Did! 

            You Say Paranoiacs Abound 

            I Wonder How They Spread Around? 


            Thinking, I Reached This Conclusion, 

            No Harm Came from This Delusion! 

            Perhaps My Kids, Most Likely Aud’s 

            Are Next Served Up to Santa Claus! 


                     We Love You Santa!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All! 



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