Saturday, April 30, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom! (2022)



Vol. 1 Chap. 635 


Happy Birthday Mom! 

(Subtitled: Putting Her Best Foot Forward!) 


I See No Sign Mom’s Slowing Down! 

If Anything, Her Pep Astounds! 

She’s Half~Way Through Her Fifth Decade! 

You’d Think by Now She’d Start to Fade 

Seems Once, After Isabelle’s Birth,  

Mom Couldn’t Cover That Much Earth! 

The Dog Got Walked, She'd Exercised! 

Mom and Ol' Bonez, Demoralized! 


Exhausted, Drained, Dispirited, 

Mom Could Have Quit, But Instead, 

She Charted Out Her Five~Year Plan 

She Plotted and She Ran and Ran! 


Ran 5 and 10 and 15 Ks 

Building Her Base, as Our Mom Says! 

Along the Way Mom Made Great Friends! 

Along the Way Mom’s Range Extends 


Past Half Marathons All the Way 

To Full Marathons Like L.A.! 

Marine Corps Marathon Awaits 

October 30! It’s a Date! 

Happy Birthday Mom! We Love You! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All! 



Saturday, April 23, 2022

Happy 21st Birthday Big Z!



Vol. 1 Chap. 634 



Happy 21st Birthday Big Z! 



A Whole Lot Like the Stars at Night 

Zechariah Shines Big and Bright! 

He’s Studied Brains, Deep in Texas, 

How Our Mental Health Affects Us! 


Zech’s Planning to Become a Shrink! 

His Course~Load's Just What You Might Think! 

Biology, Psychology 

With Psychopharmacology! 

Yet Still Somehow, He’s Found a Way 

To Keep His Sane Self on Display! 

By Any Scale, Graph or Measure, 

Our Zech’s Learned to Handle Pressure! 

I Know! I’m One Recipient! 

Of Kindnesses This Man Has Sent 

My Way! He Instinctively Knew, 

It Plain Was the Right Thing to Do! 

I’ve Watched Him in All Life’s Phases 

Zech Likes to Help! He Shuns Praises! 

Study Zech’s Mind, I Know You’ll Find 

He Was and Is the Kind Who’s Kind!



Your Grampa Sure Loves You! 

