Saturday, May 28, 2022

Memorial Day ~ 2022


Vol. 1 Chap. 639 



Memorial Day ~ 2022 


There’s Things That I Would Never Say 

Like, “Happy Memorial Day!” 

I’d Not Hope to, “Have a Very 

Good Time at the Cemetery!” 

You Can’t Live in San Diego 

Surrounded By Heros Who Know 

The Steep, Steep Price of Our Freedom 

And Where Our Liberties Come From, 


Without Having Heard from Grade School 

This Simple, Fundamental Rule: 

Our Freedoms Come at the High Cost 

Of Lives of the Brave … Lives They Lost! 


No Greater Love Hath Any Man 

Or Woman Who Does All They Can 

Beyond the Time They Understood 

This Isn’t Going to End Good! 


They All Had Hope!  They All Had Youth! 

They All Faced Their Soul Crushing Truth! 

Too Soon Their Time on Earth was Done! 

That Friends ... is How Freedom is Won! 

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 




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