Saturday, May 21, 2022

"Spectacular" Luna Appearance!

Vol. 1 Chap 638 


“Spectacular” Luna Appearance! 

Week Started as the Full Moon Fled! 

It Stayed Away, Then Came Back Red! 

“Spectacular!” and “Awesome” Were 

Descriptions We Can All Concur 

Came Close to an Apt Narrative 

Yet Somehow Could Not Seem to Give 

Voice to This Grand Luna Event! 

Let Me Take This Time to Present … 

My Sweet, Sweet Cousin, Understand? 

Meet Luna, Iron Mike’s First Grand! 

This Soccer Player Will Go Far! 

On Any Field, She is a Star! 

Cherubic at Her Huge State Fair! 

The Kitchen Smells Great When She’s There! 

In Fact, No Matter Where You Find Her, 

Luna Makes That Place Feel Kinder! 

“Spectacular and “Awesome” Are 

Words to Describe Our Super~Star! 

What’s Her Biggest Accomplishment? 

As Big Sister, She’s Heaven Sent! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 



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