Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Hidden Truth!

Vol. 1  Chap. 450

        The Hidden Truth!

        Aesop Sure Could Spin a Fable
        To Each Fable He Was Able
        To Attach His Tale’s Grand Moral
        A Universal Truth For All!

        Grampa Spins Tales We See Each Week!
        Not Aesop Worthy, So To Speak!
        But His Too Have a Hidden Truth!
        At Least One Truth Per Verse, For Sooth!

        The Moral in Each Aesop Tale
        Fit His Fables In Each Detail!
        The Truth in Grampa’s Poems Might
        Be What’s There Hidden in Plain Sight!

        Aesop’s Tortoise Wins the Race
        Because He Set a Steady Pace!
        Aesop’s Bone~Carrying Dog Sees
        His Reflection!   He Barks!   Now He’s

        Lost His Bone to the Lake Below!
        Don’t Be Jealous the Morals Go!
        Those Truths in Grampa’s Verse … Recall?
        “Your Grampa Sure Does Love Y’All!”

Your Grampa Sure Does Love Y’All!

Love~Grampa                              (Oct. 13, 2018)

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