Saturday, December 29, 2018

Light the Dark!

Vol. 1  Chap. 461

            Light the Dark!

Christmas Joy Should Not Be Fleeting!
To Preserve Warm Season’s Greeting,
I Propose We Each Light the Dark
From One Eternal Christmas Spark!

If All Year We Could Spread Its Joys
To All Men, Women, Girls and Boys …
If We Could Keep Our Hearts In Tune
With Christ’s Birth Past Spring, Long Past June …

Our World Could Feel a Cosmic Shift!
Christmas Spirits Could Thaw Each Rift!
We’ll All Feel Civility Lift
Cultivating Our Year~Round Gift!

What’s That You Say?   I’m Just Naïve!
Starry Eyed Kids Of Course Believe
We Just Need a Course Correction!
Then All’s Eden and Perfection!

If For a Day We Can Achieve
Peace on Earth Once, Then I Believe,
If You Light Your Candle from Mine,
We’ll Spread Out … Make Our Whole World Shine!

Happy New Year Everybody!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, December 22, 2018

Joy In Deed!

Vol. 1  Chap. 460

          Joy In Deed!

      I’d Love to Give All Folks a Gift,
      A Christmas Present That Might Lift
      Most Adults Spirits and Their Kids!
      Wow Their Brains!   Open Their Eyelids!

      Here in the Finest Land on Earth,
      We Often Forget ‘bout the Birth
      That’s the Over~Riding Reason
      For This Joyous Christmas Season!

      We Focus ‘Stead on What We’ll Get!
      It’s Sad, I Think, Lest We Forget
      We’ve Got All We Need to Find Bliss
      If We Could Just Remember This …

      More Stuff is Not What Stokes Our Joy!
      Face It!   We Aren’t So Hoi~Polloi,
      We Could Never Find Happiness
      If We Should Rake In Much, Much Less!

      Joy is Found Doing For Others!
      It’s Found Helping Out Our Mothers!
      Assisting Those With Urgent Needs
      My Gift to You … Find Joy … In Deeds!

Merry Christmas All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, December 15, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 459


I Wish Grown~Ups Could Just Chill~Ax!
Take Lessons From Kids and Relax!
Instead of Being So Up~Tight,
I Wish They Could, I Wish They Might,

Find Times to Gather in Small Groups,
Maybe Gossip and Trade Hot Scoops!
Bet It Would Add Years to Their Lives!
Ease Nervous Twitches and Cure Hives!

I'd Love to Think They Could All Find
Less Pressure in Their Daily Grind
An Oasis of Silliness
That Could Lessen Their Work Place Stress!

Assign a Kid With a Whistle,
When They Hear It, They'll Know This'll
Mean It's Time to De~Pressurize!
Capiche?   Well Let Me Summarize!

Our Parents Live a Cretin's Life!
It's Dog Eat Dog with Tons of Strife!
To Teach Parents This Free Work~Perk,
I Say We Whistle While They Work!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!


Saturday, December 8, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 458


You Know I’ve Modeled Etiquette
For Approaching Most Every Pet!
Dogs, Goats, Cows and Pot~Bellied Pigs
All Appear on Mom’s Running Gigs!

Our Mom and Friends Run Sylvan Trails
On Paths Replete With Strong Females!
Sometimes Along Their Grueling Course,
If They’re Lucky, They Meet a Horse!

I’ve Shown Mom How With Special Care,
To Greet Any Horse, Anywhere!
See, I am a Firm Believer
Horses Love Over~Achievers!

I Think There’s Something Quite Divine
About Each Tall, Regal Equine!
I Know They Aid Our Sanity!
Horses Teach Us Humanity!

So I Was Thrilled to Discover
This Horse Bonded With Our Mother!
Two Roads Diverge Into the Wood ...
Take That With Horses, If You Could!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, December 1, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 457


While Driving Home From Iron Mike’s
Post~Thanksgiving, I Uttered, “Yikes!”
When Bella Asked Seriously
If She Could Drive Our Mom and Me!

When Our Mom Drives Hundreds of Miles,
I’m Awed She’s Awake All the While!
The Arizona Trip For Me,
Means Three Hours Sleep … Guaranty!

One Point Five Years, I’ll Be Driving!
Sure I’ll Get Us There Alive an'
Kicking!   But For Now, I'll Just Try
To Ride That Far With No Shut~Eye!

The Tires Hummed!   The Engine Purred!
Next Thing I Know … Well, It Occurred
To Me That I May Have Dozed Off!
Now Hear Me Out!   Try Not to Scoff!

Next Sight I See’s Our Garage Door!
So Far, OK!   But Wait!   There’s More!
Bella is at the Steering Wheel!
Mom’s In the Backseat!   Is This Real?

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
