Saturday, December 22, 2018

Joy In Deed!

Vol. 1  Chap. 460

          Joy In Deed!

      I’d Love to Give All Folks a Gift,
      A Christmas Present That Might Lift
      Most Adults Spirits and Their Kids!
      Wow Their Brains!   Open Their Eyelids!

      Here in the Finest Land on Earth,
      We Often Forget ‘bout the Birth
      That’s the Over~Riding Reason
      For This Joyous Christmas Season!

      We Focus ‘Stead on What We’ll Get!
      It’s Sad, I Think, Lest We Forget
      We’ve Got All We Need to Find Bliss
      If We Could Just Remember This …

      More Stuff is Not What Stokes Our Joy!
      Face It!   We Aren’t So Hoi~Polloi,
      We Could Never Find Happiness
      If We Should Rake In Much, Much Less!

      Joy is Found Doing For Others!
      It’s Found Helping Out Our Mothers!
      Assisting Those With Urgent Needs
      My Gift to You … Find Joy … In Deeds!

Merry Christmas All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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