Saturday, December 21, 2019

Merry Christmas World!

Vol. 1  Chap 512

    Merry Christmas World!

            We Want to Thank Our Reader Friends,

            Like Our Loyal Canadians!

            To Each of You Encased in Ice,

            Merry Christmas Eh?  You’re So Nice!

            Feliz Navidad Amigos,

            To All Readers Where Apropos!

            And a Sincere Feliz Natal

            To Brazil and to Portugal!

            To Our Readers in Germany,

            Fröhliche Weihnachten!   Hope You See

            Joy and Kindnesses Everywhere

            And Where You Don’t, You’ll Bring Some There!

            To All in France, Joyeux Noel!

            Ev’ry Reader on Earth as Well,

            Like You in Ireland or Scotland,

            In Russia or in Our Great Land!

            From the South Pole Up to the North,

            Throughout This World, Let Us Bring Forth

            The Word That Our Savior is Born!

            Let Peace Rule Earth This Christmas Morn’!

                    Merry Christmas to All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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