Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Shot In the Arm!


Vol. 1  Chap. 564

               A Shot In the Arm!




            After What Seemed Eternity

            When We Had No Immunity

            To This Accursed, Deadly Plague!

            We’ll Soon Re~Shelve Each Body Bag!


            The Process Will Still Take Some Time

            We Can’t Stop This Plague On a Dime!

            Both Lights You See at Tunnel’s End

            Are Not Oncoming Trains, My Friend!


            Not One, But Two Vaccines Have Made

            It Through the Trials Like We All Prayed!

            On the Horizon Now We See

            A Safer Time for You and Me!


            It Seems the Next Step’s Up To You

            Since We’ve Had This New, Huge Breakthrough!

            Please Do Your Part!   Don’t Hesitate!

            For All Our Sakes, Please Vaccinate!

            A Shot For Our Economy!

            A Shot For All Humanity!

            We’ve Needed This Shot In the Arm!

            Step Up!   Put an End to the Harm!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



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