Saturday, January 30, 2021

In Mom We Trust!


Vol. 1  Chap. 570

      In Mom We Trust!



   Don’t Blame One Side or the Other!

   But It’s So True That My Mother

   Or Your Moms Too For Heaven’s Sake

   Have All the Skills That It Will Take


   To Get Two Vaccines In the Arms

   Of All the Local Folks in Harm’s

   Way and to Do It Faster Than

   Any Government Ever Can!


   Rosie Became a Riveter!

   Back When Our Country Needed Her

   To Build the Ships, the Guns, the Tanks!

   She Did It All!  She Asked No Thanks!


   While Politicians Talk Their Talks,

   This Virus Spreads Its Evil Pox!

   Grand Photo Ops!  Little Action!

   Covid’s Lost None of Its Traction!


   Moms’ Multi~Task!  That’s What We Need

   To Stop This Virus’ Lightning Speed!

   Check Homework, Braid Hair, Cut Off Crust!

   Add Vaccinate … In Mom We Trust!


   Step One: Moms Bypass Washington!

   Get Vaccines Straight from Amazon!

   Last Step: ‘Fore Zoom Class Has Started,

   It’s One Dose Down!  Hardly Smarted!



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, January 23, 2021

Some People!


Vol. 1  Chap. 569

        Some People!



            Some People Don’t Believe In God!

            For Me, I Find That Somewhat Odd!

            Just Step Outside and Look Around!

            There’s Plenty of Clues To Be Found!


            Our Sun, Moon, Each Star or Planet

            I Believe Its S~He Began It!

            When Looking at the Universe

            Can You Say Humans Must Come First?


            When I’m Alone Down By The Beach

            I Can’t Help But Feel God’s In Reach!

            Doesn’t Take a Sunday Sermon

            For This Young Gal to Determine


            That Each Time a Cow Births a Calf

            Or We Eat Wheat and Toss the Chaff

            Or Look a Horse In Her Kind Eyes

            God’s Real!  That Should Be No Surprise!


            I Get, Some Don’t Believe in God!

            I Just Wanted to Dialog!

            It Could Be Far Worse, This is True,

            If God Didn't Believe in You!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, January 16, 2021

Braceless in San Diego!


Vol. 1  Chap 568

                Braceless In San Diego!



             I Get It That I Rarely Smile!

               Would You Smile If You Knew That While

               You Shared Your Warmth With All the World

               What They Saw Was Some Tin Grin Girl?


               But This New Year Started Out Right!

               The Dentist Who Cranks My Tin Tight

               Examined Close My Pearly Whites!

               Checked for Small Gaps or Over~Bites!


               Like Construction Workers’ Scaffold

               Removed to Let the World Behold,

               Where Once Stood a Work In Progress

               Stands a Braceless Young Woman, YES!!!

               True, I Tried Hard To Never Smile!

               But Smiles Slipped Out Once In a While!

               Now Big Ol’ Grins Do My Speakin’!

               Like a Lighthouse On Full Beacon!


               Only Near Bella, I Tread Light!

               Seven Hundred Days ‘Til We Might

               See Her One Thousand Megawatt

               Smile Light the Room ‘Til It Glows Hot!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, January 9, 2021

Better Things to Come!


Vol. 1  Chap. 567

   Better Things to Come!




    Our Hopes For Better Things to Come

    About Soared Looking at Our Mom!

    Holding Sunscreen, Bug Spray and My,

    I See Adventure in Her Eye!


    A Short Ride to The Canyon Mouth,

    That is Clavenger Canyon South!

    A Place Dotted with Boulders, Granite,

    Barren Like Some Far~Off Planet!


    Rugged is a Fair Description

    Of Our Four Plus Mile Ascension!

    Where Daphne Finds the Slightest Shade

    She Ducks In Hoping Not to Fade!


    The Hike is Slow, But We’re Ready!

    We Make Progress!  Our Pace Steady!

    Pup Needs the Shade of Some Tall Tree!

    Audrey Said, “Leave That Up to Me!”


    Miles Up Here In This Clean, Thin Air,

    The Highest Boulder Sports a Pair

    Of Chairs with Views Where We Traversed!

    How’d You Spend January First?


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year's Customs!


Vol. 1  Chap. 566

            New Year’s Customs!


              Here We Greet New Years with Champagne!

              Most Seem to Like It!  Few Complain!

              Diff’rent Country, Diff’rent Custom!

              C’mon, What Say We Check Out Some?


              Italians Wear Red Underwear!

              Now Don’t Rush Out & Buy a Pair

              Unless You Know the Thought’s, Maybe,

              Red Helps You Make a New Baby!


              A Russian Gathers Hopeful Thoughts

              Then On Paper, Those Thoughts She Jots

              Then Burns the Page!   Collects the Ash!

              Drinks It With Champagne From Her Glass!


              Irish Lass Gathers Mistletoe!

              Sleeps With It Under Her Pillow!

              She Sleeps Well, Recalls All It Seems!

              That Year Hunts the Man of Her Dreams!

              Bowls of Soba Noodles are Dear!

              Japanese Draw Their Strength from There!

              World Wide It's Hope That We Chime In

              This Year, As Always, While Rhymin’!


                   Happy New Year One & All!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

