Saturday, January 9, 2021

Better Things to Come!


Vol. 1  Chap. 567

   Better Things to Come!




    Our Hopes For Better Things to Come

    About Soared Looking at Our Mom!

    Holding Sunscreen, Bug Spray and My,

    I See Adventure in Her Eye!


    A Short Ride to The Canyon Mouth,

    That is Clavenger Canyon South!

    A Place Dotted with Boulders, Granite,

    Barren Like Some Far~Off Planet!


    Rugged is a Fair Description

    Of Our Four Plus Mile Ascension!

    Where Daphne Finds the Slightest Shade

    She Ducks In Hoping Not to Fade!


    The Hike is Slow, But We’re Ready!

    We Make Progress!  Our Pace Steady!

    Pup Needs the Shade of Some Tall Tree!

    Audrey Said, “Leave That Up to Me!”


    Miles Up Here In This Clean, Thin Air,

    The Highest Boulder Sports a Pair

    Of Chairs with Views Where We Traversed!

    How’d You Spend January First?


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




  1. What a beautiful family and words to begin this challenging new year:) A refreshing reminder of all the positives a new year can bring:)

    1. Thank You Loretta. You Do Know a Thing or Two About Beautiful Words.
      Here's Hoping You & Your Family Have a Happy, Safe & Prosperous New Year.
