Saturday, April 24, 2021

Happy 20th Birthday Zechariah!


Vol. 1  Chap. 582

Happy 20th Birthday Zechariah!


 My Cousin Zeck Just Turned Twenty!

 ‘Bout Him, I Could Tell You Plenty!

 Look Close at Zech, I Know You’ll Find

 This Big Guy is the Kind Who’s Kind!


 Zeck’s Ready Kindness is a Trait

 We Could Use More of In This Great

 Country Where So Much Divides Us!

 Can’t We Just Let Kindness Guide Us?


 Practice Random Acts of Kindness!

 Let Our Love, Not Hatred Bind Us!

 By Softening Hearts Around Us,

 We Aim To Let Love Surround Us!


 For the Duration of the Plague,

 The Visits and Phone Calls Zech Made

 To Check Up On Grampa’s Welfare’s

 Just Further Proof How Much Zech Cares!

 Give This Global Change Some Traction!

 Turn Your Mere Hopes Into Action!

 To Heal the Wounds That Divide Us

 This World Needs More Zechariahs!

Happy Birthday Future Psychiatrist Zechariah!


Your Grampa Loves Y’All!



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