Saturday, January 29, 2022

Pass or Fail?


Vol. 1 Chap. 622 


    Pass or Fail? 



Do You Remember Texas Tim,  

Our Cute Cousin?  What Came of Him? 

The Kid’s Been Parallel Parking! 

Rules of the Road He’s Been Harking! 


This Week Tim Took His Drivers Test! 

Merging at High Speeds, All the Rest 

Of Those Maneuvers Meant to Prove 

In City, Country Driving You’ve 


Mastered the Art of Staying In 

Your Lane and You are Behavin' 

With Zen~Like Calm You Do Engage 

In Driving Sans Insane Road~Rage! 


Just Tim’s Deodorant Failed Him! 

Each Task the Tester Gave to Tim, 

He Passed!   He Passed!   Oh Thank The Lord! 

The Tester Wrote, “Passed” on His Board! 


Talk About Life~Changing Event! 

Who Lives Who’s Forgot the Moment 

When That Cop Said, Who Tested You, 

“Drive Always Like I’m Here with You!”? 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 



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