Saturday, February 5, 2022

Happy 4719



Vol. 1  Chap. 623


                   Happy 4719!



              I’ll Bet You Thought That We’d Forget

              It’s Chinese New Years That We Fete!

              It’s Forty~Seven~Nineteen There!

              Our Celebration’s In High Gear!


              We Parade Through Balboa Park,

              Year of the Tiger’s What We Mark!

              Ev’rywhere Red & Gold Abound!

              Firecrackers are All Around!


              New Years Here is a Grand Party!

              In China They Party Harty!

              New Years, a Workers Holiday,

              Lasts Seven Days, With One Week’s Pay!


              It’s the Tiger, Not the Lion,

              Who Chinese Say is the Scion!

              In Their Jungles, the Tigers Rule!

              They Don’t Even Need to be Cruel!


              If You’re Born in the Tiger Year

              You Don’t Have a Whole Lot to Fear,

              Natural Leaders, Brave and Strong,

              Seize the Throne Quick and Hold It Long!

                                Happy 4719 All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!


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