Saturday, July 9, 2022

Out of This World Homes!



Vol. 1 Chap. 645  



Out of This World Homes!  



If E’re I Lived on Mercury 

I’d Be as Hot as I Could Be! 

Closest to the Sun, This Planet 

Wouldn’t Take A/C for Granted! 

Venus, the Roman God of Love, 

Has Planet Temp’ratures Above 

800 Degrees Fahrenheit! 

I Love Love But That’s Not Quite Right! 

Two Hundred Forty Pounds I’d Weigh 

On Jupiter on My Best Day! 

And Saturn’s Pretty Rings Look Nice, 

Til You Find They are Made of Ice! 

Uranus Can’t Support Most Folks, 

Who’d Be the Butt of Grampa’s Jokes! 

If Your Goal’s to Stay Young and Fun, 

Near 90 Earth~Years There Makes One! 


My Home’s on Earth, U.S. of A., 

For That, I’m Grateful Ev’ry Day! 

Sure, We Have Problems We Have Strife! 

Let’s Find Ways Toward a Better Life! 

And Neptune?




Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 




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