Saturday, July 30, 2022

Unconditional Love!



Vol. 1 Chap. 648 



Unconditional Love! 



Her Name’s Daphne and She Loves Me! 

Right Now, That’s All I Need to See! 

This Sweet Pound~Hound Is Constantly 

On Her Mission to Support Me! 


Like She Was Sent Down from Above 

To Give Unconditional Love! 

It Doesn’t Matter Where I’ve Been, 

I Know the Greeting That My Friend 

Saved While I was Out on the Road! 

You’d Think That True Heart Might Explode! 

Instead I’m Nearly Flattened By 

The Outburst of Love She Sends My 


Way! Which Has Me Contemplatin 

Could This World See Much Less Hatin’ 

More Empathetic Dialogue  

If We’re Loved by a Shelter~Dog! 


So Do It for Your Sanity! 

Or Do It for Humanity! 

Open Your Heart, Your Home, Your Arms! 

Leave the Rest to Your Pound~Hound’s Charms! 



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All! 



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