Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Modest Proposal!


Vol. 1 Chap. 657 



A Modest Proposal! 



What I Don’t Know ‘Bout Politics 

Is Why Our Reps Will Always Nix 

That Plan That Could Do the Most Good 

For Every So~Cal Neighborhood! 


Instead, They Eschew All Logic 

As They Try to Quietly Trick 

Voters That They Have the Answers! 

All I See is Dull Ghost Dancers! 


They Know That the Electric Grid 

Will Max Out Soon! That Can’t be Hid! 

So What Fix Do Our Pols Suggest? 

They Think Electric Cars Are Best! 


Before We’re All on Roller Blades 

I Suggest No Pols Nor Pol Aides 

Escape Our Revamped Payment Plan ... 

From Governor to the Low Man! 


Teachers, Firemen and Cops We Know, 

It’s They Who Make the System Go! 

No Politician May Exceed 

Their Av'rage Pay! More Is Just Greed! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 






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