Saturday, October 22, 2022

Irrational Numbers!


Vol. 1 Chap. 660 



Irrational Numbers! 




Think Eighth Graders Irrational? 

Of Course We Are! Look Closer Pal! 

For Years Math Has Been Logical! 

One, Two, Three ... Chronological! 


Geometry’s For Building Homes 

And Bridges, Even Super Domes! 

Algebra’s For Setting Prices, 

Catching Balls and Adding Spices! 


None of That’s So Esoteric 

That We’re Sent on Some Barbaric, 

Insane Rage of Sheer Destruction 

Triggered By the Introduction 


Of Those Irrational Numbers! 

I Tell Ya, Nothing Encumbers 

A Class’s Love for All Things STEM 

Than When We Have to Study Them! 


Don’t Like Dealing with Teenage Angst? 

Irrational Numbers to Thank! 

You Want Us Teens to Lose the Wrath? 

Give Us Back Sane Digits in Math! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All! 



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