Saturday, November 12, 2022

A Grateful Nation!


Vol. Chap. 663   



A Grateful Nation! 



Sometimes When I Least Expect It, 

When My Day’s Been Oh, So Hectic 

I’ll Sit in Hushed Contemplation 

‘Bout the Youth Who Made Our Nation!

Deborah Sampson, Age Fifteen, 

Fought Bravely and a Little Mean! 

When She Got Shot Right in the Thigh,  

She Cut That Slug Out! Girls Can't Cry! 


Same Age, Same War, Revolution, 

James Armistead’s Contribution,  

Master Spy, Though a Poor Black Slave! 

Lafayette Found He was Quite Brave! 


At War’s End a Grateful Nation 

Honored James’ Participation 

By Granting Him His Freedom and 

A Pension and Some Prize Farmland! 


Honor Vets, Whether Old or Young! 

Like These You’ve Met, Most are Unsung! 

They’re Defined by What We Can’t See, 

Honor, Duty, Integrity! 

A Shoutout to All Veterans! We Love You!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 





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