Saturday, November 5, 2022

Marine Corps Marathon!


Vol. Chap 662 



Marine Corps Marathon! 




In the Shadows of Monuments 

To Heros and to Bold Events, 

Here We Find Runners, Hearts Set On 

Running Marine Corps’ Marathon! 


Among This Determined Cadre 

Our Mom’s Focus Allows No Sway! 

This Isn’t Her First Rodeo! 

Her Training’s Done!   Starter’s Gun!   “Go!” 

Something’s Wrong!   Mom Knows What It Is! 

An Attack of Piriformis! 

Like Some Guard Dog Sunk His Canine 

In Mom’s Butt!    Safest to Resign! 

Quitting’s Safe!   But Does Our Mom Care, 

Despite Pain in Her Derriere? 

She Soldiers On, Or in This Case, 

Continues at a Marine’s Pace! 


We Both are Chips Right Off the Block 

That Is You, Mom!   And Mom, You Rock! 

We Know You’ve Got No Quit in Ya, 

Now So’s D.C. and Virginia! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 






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