Saturday, September 29, 2018

Wisdom of the Ages!

Vol. 1  Chap. 448

   Wisdom of the Ages!

You Can Learn a Lot From Old Folks!
More Even Than Grampa’s Bad Jokes!
It’s Our Grampa Who Taught Us That
We Should Never Baptize a Cat!

Grampa Seems to Know Ev’ry Trick!
Felt Tip Markers Aren’t Good Lipstick!
Texas Grampas Quick to Pass On,
Don’t Ever Squat With Your Spurs On!

Should School Send Home a Bad Report,
You’ve Got This as Your Last Resort,
Wait Till Mom’s Deep in Her Phone Call
Then Flash It Fast!   Stay Safe Y’all!

Don’t Trust Your Dog to Guard Dessert!
That Dog’s Jaws Just Can’t Stay Inert!
Never Eat Prunes Before a Date!
Those Consequences You WILL Hate!

I Know From My Experience
There’s One Grampa Trick That’s Intense!
Trust Me, the Odor Will Linger,
If You Pull Your Grampa’s Finger!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                   (Sept. 29, 2018)

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Think Stubborn!

Vol. 1  Chap. 447

Think Stubborn!

Think Stubborn, Think Red~Headed Girls!
Stubborn Comes With Our Scarlet Curls!
Part of Our Culture’s Iron Will!
You Can’t Tempt Us, Mister Devil!

Never Kidnap a True Red~Head
You’ll Get No Ransom!    But Instead
You’ll End Up Paying That Kid’s Mom
To Please Come Take Her Troublesome

Imp Off Your Hands!   Do Believe It!
Heed Our Warning!   You’d Best Leave It
Off Your List of Quick Cash Schemes!
Me Thinks You’ve Caught on to My Themes!

You Need a Staunch and Loyal Friend?
The Kind Who’s Support Knows No End!
You’d Not Find Better in This World
Than a True Irish, Red~Head Girl!

Should Trouble Flair Unexpected,
Just Whistle Girl!   You’re Protected!
A Red~Head’s Friend Will Never Lack
A Fierce Ally Who’s Got Her Back!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
Love~Grampa                      (Sept. 22, 2018)

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Didn't Have a Clue!

Vol. 1  Chap. 446

         Didn’t Have a Clue!

            Audrey and Naomi and Me
            We Had a Game~Night That Could Be
            Best Described, If I Described True …
            The Night I Didn’t Have a Clue!

            Somebody Offed Mr. Boddy!
            They Used Weapons, No Karate!
            I Focused on Corn’el Mustard!
            There’s a Guy I Never Trusted!

            When I Proposed Why He’s Busted,
            I Wasn’t Sure!   I Got Flustered!
            Cuz Lead Pipes in the Library
            Just Didn’t Quite Feel Right to Me!

            Naomi, Aud Have What It Takes!
            They’re High School Girls, For Heaven Sakes!
            Took Them a Few Rounds Til They Knew
            Enough to Win This Game of Clue!

            I Didn’t Win!   I’ll Tell You Why!
            I Got the Place!   I Got the Guy!
            But I Just Missed One Little Trick!
            Ol’ Mustard Used the Candlestick!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                        (Sept. 15, 2018)

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The True Mystery!

Vol. 1  Chap. 445

          The True Mystery!

          She Thinks She Need to Practice More
          To Capture Notes She’s Caught Before!
          She Thinks She Needs to Study Hard
          Just To Ace Her Whole Report Card!

          She Questions If She’s Enough Friend
          To Maybe Aid and Perhaps Mend
          A Wounded Spirit She Adores!
          It’s Indifference She Deplores!

          She Worries ‘Bout Me!   This I Know!
          She Doesn’t See That I’ve Learned So
          Much About the Strength She Can Flair
          If Danger Threatens One Red Hair

          On My Bright Scarlet Laden Crown!
          If Threats Rise!   She’ll Leave Them Face~Down!
          Audrey’s Got Only Forward Gears!
          Got No Reverse!   And Got No Fears!

          But For Me, the True Mystery …
          How One So Wise Just Cannot See!
          She’s Smart!   She’s Strong!   She’s Musical!
          But Doesn’t Know She’s Beautiful!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                       (Sept. 8, 2018)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

New School Fright!

Vol. 1  Chap. 444

New School Fright!

If I Was More Like My Sister,
Nothing Could Frighten Me, Mister!
I Didn’t Sleep a Wink Last Night!
Got a Bad Case of New School Fright!

Audrey Got In This Super~School
Where Academic Whizzes Rule!
That, Dear Friends Precipitated
My School Change!   I Kind’a Hate It!

Audrey Caught I Was In Distress!
My Coping Skills Were Just a Mess
She Wrapped Me in a Warm Embrace
And Said, “You’re Gunna Rule This Place!”

“You’re Already Smart as a Whip!
“I’d Just Give You This Little Tip,
“Ev’ry Kid Feels Nervous Like You!
“And You Bella, Can Help Them Through!”

“Don’t Let the Daily Drama Shroud
“You’ve Got Standards!   Now Live Them Proud!
“Choose Well Who Influences You!
“The Greatest Gift’s a Friend Who’s True!”  

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                        (Sept. 1, 2018)


Vol. 1  Chap. 443


Well I Sure Love My Male Cousins!
Got Two!   Wish That I Had Dozens!
But At the Risk of Civil War,
I Say, “Na~Na~Na~Na~Na~Naaahhh!”

I’m Sure That You All Know My Tune!
Girls World~Wide Break Into Its Croon
Espech’ly When We’ve Got Boyz Beat!
All Girls Know That’s a Special Treat!

Soon, On Monday, We Will Start School!
Two Weeks Ago My Cousin’s Cruel
School Board Said, “Back to Class, Y’All!”
Ain’t That Cruel and Unusual?

It’s Not Like Texas’s Over~Run
With School~Age Kids Out Having Fun!
The Temp’ature Down In Hades …
Six Degrees Cooler Than Katy’s!

I Love You!   That’s Why I Warn Ya,
Be Safe!   Come to California!
If You Won’t Come, Prepare to Hear,
“Na~Na~Na~Na~Na~Naaahhh!” Next Year!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                        (Aug. 25, 2018)

Who Missed Whom the Most?

Vol. 1  Chap. 442