Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 443


Well I Sure Love My Male Cousins!
Got Two!   Wish That I Had Dozens!
But At the Risk of Civil War,
I Say, “Na~Na~Na~Na~Na~Naaahhh!”

I’m Sure That You All Know My Tune!
Girls World~Wide Break Into Its Croon
Espech’ly When We’ve Got Boyz Beat!
All Girls Know That’s a Special Treat!

Soon, On Monday, We Will Start School!
Two Weeks Ago My Cousin’s Cruel
School Board Said, “Back to Class, Y’All!”
Ain’t That Cruel and Unusual?

It’s Not Like Texas’s Over~Run
With School~Age Kids Out Having Fun!
The Temp’ature Down In Hades …
Six Degrees Cooler Than Katy’s!

I Love You!   That’s Why I Warn Ya,
Be Safe!   Come to California!
If You Won’t Come, Prepare to Hear,
“Na~Na~Na~Na~Na~Naaahhh!” Next Year!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                        (Aug. 25, 2018)

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