Saturday, June 29, 2019

Audrey's Fifteen!

Vol. 1  Chap. 487

             Audrey’s Fifteen!

      Some Say Youth’s Wasted on the Young!
      But I Suspect They Are Among
      Narcissistic Selfie Takers …
      Self~Described Hot Trend Set Makers!

      My Sister Audrey’s the Real Deal
      She Loves People and Helps Them Feel
      Better, Stronger, More Confident
      I Know!   I’m a Recipient!

    She’s Not Just Strong, She Strengthens Me!
    Encouraging, Working with Me!
    Focusing On What I Do Best!
    And How I Can Improve the Rest!

      In School or Band or Color Corps,
      She’ll Find a Way to Give It More
      Than One Hundred and Ten Percent!
      Deftly Deflects Each Compliment!

      This Week Audrey Turned Fifteen Years!
      Next Year She Will Be Grinding Gears!
      Then, Way Too Soon, She’s Off to College!
      I Hope I Absorb Half Her Knowledge!

                 Happy Birthday Big Sister!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thanks to Libraries!

Vol. 1  Chap. 486

      Thanks to Libraries! 

          Ever Since I Was Just a Tyke,
          I’ve Learned Most When My Readings Spike!
          With Libraries, I Think It’s Cool,
          I Learn Year ‘Round, Not Just in School!

          Today I Read, Giraffes Just Made
          The Endangered List?   They Could Fade
          Away Just Like the Black Rhino!
          Thanks to Libraries, Now We Know!

          We All Know Knowledge is Power!
          So We Know This is the Hour
          We Must Act, Not Dilly~Dally,
          If the Giraffe is to Rally!

          When Libraries Sound the Alarm,
          They Also Teach Us That the Harm
          That’s Aimed Toward Each Gentle Titan
          Can Be Reversed, Once We Heighten

          The World’s Awareness to Their Plight!
          Social Media Joins the Fight,
          Proving We Don’t Just Take Up Space!
          We Make This World a Better Place!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, June 15, 2019

Summer Va~Ca!!!

Vol. 1  Chap. 485

                 Summer Va~Ca!

             Seems In Each Town, In Each City
             There’s One Day Dawns Mighty Pretty!
             I’d Even Say It’s Beautiful!
             That Day’s the Last Day Kids Have School!

            The Air’s Diff’rent!   Birds Sing Sweeter!
            As If Summer Needs a Greeter!
            Last Day of School Phenomenon,
            Hard Tests, Deadlines, All Pressure’s Gone!

             I Know Lots of Kids Who Love School!
             None of Us Want to be a Fool!
             However Well Kids Love Teachers,
             Ten Times More Those Kids Love Beaches!

             Think Summer Camps, Lakes with Canoes!
             Think Ice Cream Trucks, Trips to the Zoos,
             Think Fire Works, Fourth of July,
             Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgs!   Oh My!  Oh My!

             Seems the Best Way We Can Prepare
             For School Success Next Year is Stare
             Into the Abyss of Va~Ca!
             Vow That We Won’t Waste One Great Day!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Friday, June 7, 2019

That's Audrey's Thing!

Vol. 1  Chap. 484

          That’s Audrey’s Thing!

     Aud Looks Gorgeous!   She Cleans Up Well!
     ‘Nuther Awards Night, I Can Tell!
     This One’s For Band and Color Guard!
     I’ve Watched Aud Practice Really Hard!

      ‘Nuther Awards Night … I Get This!
      I’ve Been Audrey’s Fav’rite Witness,
      While She Collects the Hardware Bling!
      Getting Awards … That’s Audrey’s Thing!

      Emcees Called Names and Plenty Stood!
      No One Called Audrey!   That Ain’t Good!
      I’m Confused!   Why’s Audrey Smilin?
      Not One?   This Needs Reconciling!

      I Rush to Aud, Pull Her Aside!
      I Hope This Doesn’t Wound Her Pride!
      But She Explains That It’s Alright!
      This Wasn’t About Her, Tonight!

      See She’s a Member of Two Teams!
      She Loves Her Teammates and It Seems
      She Caught a Glimpse of Her Future!
      When as a Senior, It’s ‘Bout Her!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, June 1, 2019

Morris ... Wyatt Morris ... Turns 12!

Vol. 1  Chap. 483

Morris … Wyatt Morris … Turns 12!

              Now That Daniel Craig’s Getting’ Old,
              We Have a Plan That’s Somewhat Bold!
              Cousin Wyatt, Sidekick Zilla,
              Could Star In the Next Bond Thriller!

              He’s a Master of Disguises!
              Looks Great With One or Two Eye~es!
              A Black Belt in Ten Martial Arts!
              Resourceful ‘Nuff to Fix Bust’ Parts!

              You Want Dashing, Debonair,
              With Just a Touch of Spikey Hair?
              The Cam’ra Loves Him, As Do We!
              Audiences Will Too, You’ll See!

              "The Name’s Morris … Wyatt Morris!"
              In His Wake, Hear the Chorus
              Of Swooning Teens and Tweens and Such!
              Medics Treat Those Who Swoon Too Much!

              Us Bond Girls Know, the One True Tell
              That Tips You Off, He’ll Treat You Well,
              Check Out How He Treats His Mother!
              He Loves … Feeds Her … Like No Other!

                    Happy 12th Birthday, Wyatt!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
