Saturday, June 15, 2019

Summer Va~Ca!!!

Vol. 1  Chap. 485

                 Summer Va~Ca!

             Seems In Each Town, In Each City
             There’s One Day Dawns Mighty Pretty!
             I’d Even Say It’s Beautiful!
             That Day’s the Last Day Kids Have School!

            The Air’s Diff’rent!   Birds Sing Sweeter!
            As If Summer Needs a Greeter!
            Last Day of School Phenomenon,
            Hard Tests, Deadlines, All Pressure’s Gone!

             I Know Lots of Kids Who Love School!
             None of Us Want to be a Fool!
             However Well Kids Love Teachers,
             Ten Times More Those Kids Love Beaches!

             Think Summer Camps, Lakes with Canoes!
             Think Ice Cream Trucks, Trips to the Zoos,
             Think Fire Works, Fourth of July,
             Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgs!   Oh My!  Oh My!

             Seems the Best Way We Can Prepare
             For School Success Next Year is Stare
             Into the Abyss of Va~Ca!
             Vow That We Won’t Waste One Great Day!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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