Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thanks to Libraries!

Vol. 1  Chap. 486

      Thanks to Libraries! 

          Ever Since I Was Just a Tyke,
          I’ve Learned Most When My Readings Spike!
          With Libraries, I Think It’s Cool,
          I Learn Year ‘Round, Not Just in School!

          Today I Read, Giraffes Just Made
          The Endangered List?   They Could Fade
          Away Just Like the Black Rhino!
          Thanks to Libraries, Now We Know!

          We All Know Knowledge is Power!
          So We Know This is the Hour
          We Must Act, Not Dilly~Dally,
          If the Giraffe is to Rally!

          When Libraries Sound the Alarm,
          They Also Teach Us That the Harm
          That’s Aimed Toward Each Gentle Titan
          Can Be Reversed, Once We Heighten

          The World’s Awareness to Their Plight!
          Social Media Joins the Fight,
          Proving We Don’t Just Take Up Space!
          We Make This World a Better Place!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



  1. I like the poem! That is exactly how I feel about the library and it is what we do best! Laurie

    1. Thank You Laurie, both for the kind words and for what Y'all do Best!

