Saturday, September 26, 2020

I Dreamed!

Vol. 1  Chap. 552

        I Dreamed!

I Dreamed, But Not the Peaceful Kind!
Had Contradictions On My Mind!
Don’t Judge By Colors of the Skin!
Do Judge By Uniforms They’re In!

I Saw Six Folks … Six Cut~Out Dolls!
Six Uniforms for Each and All!
Her With Kind Eyes, Is She a Nurse?
What She Now Dons Makes Some Folks Curse!

She Selected a Street Cop’s Guise!
Gun, Mace, Taser Accessorize!
That Black Man, Tall, With Shoulders Wide
Has Worry Lines He Cannot Hide!

I Eye the Fireman’s Turn~Out Gear!
He Dons a Judge’s Robes!  I Fear
That There is No Occupation
Where the Face Matches the Station!

Three More Guesses and Not One Right!
That First Cop’s Partner’s Here Tonight!
But He Re~Hangs His Uniform!
Alone, ‘Kind Eyes’ Must Face This Storm!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Animal Groups!

Vol. 1  Chap.  551

      Animal Groups!

 Animal Groups Have Special Names!
 For Most, It is Their Claims to Fame!
 Here’s a Sample of How It Goes:
 “Obstinacy”? … That’s Buffaloes!

 We Know Whales Travel in a “Pod”!
 But Don’t Ya Think It’s Kinda Odd
 That Baboons, When They’re in a Press,
 Are Actually a “Congress”!

 Owl Groups We Call a “Parliament”!
 Poor Pandas, an “Embarrassment”!
 Giraffes Logic’ly, a “Tower”!
 A “Shrewdness” of Apes!  That’s Power!

 So ‘Course This Got Me to Thinkin’
 In a World Where Ev’ry Stinkin’
 Genus Has a Collective Name
 Should Red~Haired Girls Receive the Same

 Courtesy?  Like, May I Propose
 Henceforth, Our Group Be Called a “Rose”?
 But If You Don’t Find That Catching,
 We’d Accept a Simple, “Fetching”!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, September 12, 2020

How Is It?

Vol. 1  Chap. 550

         How Is It?

           My Big Sister’s So Popular
           That I Grabbed My Binocular
           To Study Just How Is It She
           Draws People In, Effortlessly!

          Seems She Can Smile Just With Her Eyes
          And She Knows How to Empathize
          With Those Who Need a Friendly Ear!
          She Can Sense a Friend’s Hidden Fear!

          She Asks Questions That Have Meaning!
          Then Listens, Carefully Gleaning
          What’s Important!  What May Be Missed!
          What’s Necessary!  What’s Just Wished!

          I Concluded, From My Studies,
          Others Know They Are Her Buddies
          Cuz She Never, Ever Derides
          A Less Secure Kid and Besides

          I Showed Audrey My Conclusion!
          She Read, Then Spoke, Quite Confucian,
          “You Think I Smile Lots?  Good Gracious!
          “Just Wait ‘til I Lose These Braces!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, September 5, 2020

I Won't Name Names!

Vol. 1  Chap. 549

   I Won’t Name Names!

Some People, And I Won’t Name Names,
Won’t Say, “Grampa” … Sure Won’t Say, “James”,
Speak of Mom & Me Somewhat Odd!
Callin’ Us, "Two Peas in a Pod"!

If We Evah Get Back to School,
They’ll Put Us in a Pod!  That’s Cool!
Prob’ly Four or More Pods Per Class!
With All My Friend, I’m One Psyched Lass!

While Mom and Aud Pump Huge Barbells,
Some Folks Seem to Lose Their Marbles!
Refer to Aud and Mom Thusly …
“Apples Don’t Fall Far From the Tree!”

Mom Says It's More Than Mere Genes Math
As We Meet Folks Along Life's Path!
Like Rivers at Their Confluence,
We All Exert an Influence!

On Ev’ryone We Meet, I'm Tol'
We Leave Some True Part of Our Soul!
Unseen and Unscientific …
Hope What I Leave is Terrific!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!
