Saturday, September 19, 2020

Animal Groups!

Vol. 1  Chap.  551

      Animal Groups!

 Animal Groups Have Special Names!
 For Most, It is Their Claims to Fame!
 Here’s a Sample of How It Goes:
 “Obstinacy”? … That’s Buffaloes!

 We Know Whales Travel in a “Pod”!
 But Don’t Ya Think It’s Kinda Odd
 That Baboons, When They’re in a Press,
 Are Actually a “Congress”!

 Owl Groups We Call a “Parliament”!
 Poor Pandas, an “Embarrassment”!
 Giraffes Logic’ly, a “Tower”!
 A “Shrewdness” of Apes!  That’s Power!

 So ‘Course This Got Me to Thinkin’
 In a World Where Ev’ry Stinkin’
 Genus Has a Collective Name
 Should Red~Haired Girls Receive the Same

 Courtesy?  Like, May I Propose
 Henceforth, Our Group Be Called a “Rose”?
 But If You Don’t Find That Catching,
 We’d Accept a Simple, “Fetching”!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


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